Welcome to Wonderland/Nursery Pictures

“Maybe she’s a wildflower…”  – Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland.

She was due May 14th, Her induction was scheduled for May 9th, and she made her arrival all on her own on May 5th, 2016.  She’s decided that she’s not going to follow my timeline, schedules or plans for life from day 1, just like my first baby.  Her birth was a simple surprise that began a few days earlier, and hit full force while I was sleeping when my water broke, but she was easier on me than Sawyer and waited until after I had my epidural to let the contractions kick in, and came within a few hours.  She made that part easy.  She must have known that my pregnancy was miserable and she was trying to make it up to me.  She must have realized that every inch of my body was swollen and practically immobile and I hadn’t slept in months.  The night before she was born, she let me sleep. 6 straight hours.  It was equivalent to sleeping for a week at that point.  She knew I needed it.  Pregnancy and I are not on good terms.  I think the people that tell me they love being pregnant are lying assholes. Every time she moved I got a shooting pain to my lady bits and peed a little.  Every time I laid down I coughed until I choked and spent the last few weeks vomiting – seriously, who could love that?? But they are always worth it in the end; She’s sweet and snugly and healthy and insists on being held most of the time.  I’ve fallen in love all over again and having her here doesn’t seem new, it doesn’t seem like the foreign shift I was expecting, instead, it feels like I know her already and that she’s been here the entire time.   The adjustment is there, and it’s mostly Sawyers.  There’s no way around that. But for me, she’s familiar amazing adventure that affirms that nothing is impossible and that my little world is complete.  To make sure she had her own space when joining our little family, I had a little fun with her nursery and went with an “Alice in Wonderland” theme so she can start this life knowing that following your dreams can lead you almost anywhere.

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Dear Violet,

You have already proven your sweet nature to us with your snugly demeanor, as well as your assertiveness with your insistence on fighting any sort of schedule on a daily basis.  Your personality is already different than your brothers, and we are already preparing for all the new parenting challenges you will present us with as we attempt to adjust our lives and style to meet your needs.  Your big brother has a big personality (enough for 3 kids!) And I have a feeling that you will find subtle ways to outshine it when you need to and become comfortable hanging in the background when you don’t.  Please bare with us as we stumble along to satisfy both of you day to day and try and figure out when the rules should be the same and when we need to allow you to chase a white rabbit – It’s not always an easy call.  My hope for you is that you grow to be strong and independent like Alice and creative and and unabashed like the Mad Hatter.  May you always know that impossible things are to be believed,  white rabbits should be followed, and time can be frozen only in your dreams – so never stop dreaming.  But regardless of how your personality develops what adventures you choose, know that you are loved and supported every second of every day.  Welcome to Wonderland Violet Elora.

Love Always,

Mom, Dad and Sawyer.

Violet 3 weeks

Violet Elora Fuhrman. – Born May 5th, 2016. 9:44 AM.

Picture take: May 26th, 2016.




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